Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First Blood

In spite of the lack of action on our first low sec roam we decided to try out again, but this time we would try and find some foes more likely to come out and engage us. We also felt that preying and trying to provoke EVE Uni was perhaps not the most noble thing to do, considering their are basically a learning institution.

So you'd think we instead would try and find a new slightly less populated part of lowsec to try and find some other smaller corps closer to our size, but seeing as we don't tend to do the most logical thing, we went to find the almost exact opposite of what the space close to Aldrat had to offer.

We went to Amamake instead.

Amamake is, as you can see below, a choke-point between high- and lowsec, a place where many EVE players try and travel through every day. The system is inhabited by a certain pvp corp called Heretic Army which is probably one of the most successful pvp corps in the whole game - maybe not the most skilled ones, but they certainly do get lots of kills, both against defenseless newbies and veteran pvp gangs.

Anyway despite a certain persons warnings; "those guys fucking live there, lets just go anywhere but there" we decided to try our luck.

Fleet composition was: Drake (Pandi) , Retribution (Pinka), Rupture (Azrael) and a Rapier (Draco). We jumped into the system and went to a safe spot. Everyone but the Rapier stayed there and we started spamming our d-scasn to look out for probes. There were lots of people from Heretic Army in local of course and we could see plenty of ships on our scanners as well.

After a little while Scanner Probes were launched by someone who was not us, and because we were really slow to react we soon found about 9 enemies jumping onto our face. Draco was already gone, Azrael managed to get away, but Pandi and Pinka were stuck and tried to fight off the hordes.

The result, however, was predictable: Link and Link.

Draco and Azrael were still alive however, and they decided to at least try and get one kill to avenge their fallen brothers, and consequently jumped in and overheated everything to kill off a lowly Thrasher:

Success! - Not a spectacular kill, but it at least meant we had not lost the other ships for nothing.

Artist's depiction of the battle

So yea first kill for Plantains. Our kill/loss efficiency is of course in the gutter, but at least it's not at 0%, which pleases us greatly.

Laters o/

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