Friday, February 24, 2012

What Is This Thing Called Rage?

So I was in the middle of writing a lengthier post about various corp lowsec roams, about lessons learned, and I even have a recording of one of infamous drunken roams...

But as I came home from bossing people around at work our beloved leader and ceo linked me to the comment section of our most recent kill, still struggling to hold back his laughter. Now I promise ill link to the killmail in a little while, but if you'll forgive me I'd like to be a bit sentimental for just a moment:

Our lovely corp has been growing quite steadily for a while; our members are all very active, people are having fun playing not just EVE but also several other games together, and we're generally just having a great fun time together talking about gay sex and other interesting subjects on mumble, while killing other people and each other all through the night til we EU ppl have to head to work without having gotten any sleep.

While we of course consider ourselves to be amazing pvp gods and care deeply about our absolutely terrible kill efficiency, we curiously haven't yet gotten any real attention from other corps yet..

Until now!

A merry band of bold adventures, myself not included (fuck work!), went into lowsec to find some fun and get the official corp Godfather, Sudds, to finally try out some pvp, after having evaded for such a long time. A proper battlereport is under way, but the end result was two dead Assault Frigates, which to some might be insignificant, to us was amazing, and to others was something worth crying and raging over. And boy was there rage!

Mad Guy 1: For a good laugh check out the l33t niggas on battleclinic ~


Plantainer 1: Sure is some rage over an AF.

Plantainer 2: so are we mad cause you were killed by a *lol* fleet lol lol lol....... I said Biiiiiiitch!!!!!! 

Mad Guy 1: I would expect scrubs to quote the shitty version of Dave Chappelle... Fuck Yo Couch!


Reading various forums related to EVE it has always puzzled me why alliances like Goonswarm and PL were able to get so much enjoyment out of, as they say, making people cry and rage, either by killing miners in highsec or blobbing people with Titans, but this event has taught me what a wonderful feeling seeing others rage, whine, and cry over your actions can be.

It's really is just so much fun seeing how a simple baiting tactic and the loss of a few pretty cheap ships can get people so riled up.

In conclusion, while we in Plantains are by no means at the same level as PL or Goonswarm in regards to gathering tears, I'd still like to try and reply to all the concerns presented to us in the comments of that killmail:

Cya in lowsec o/

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