Thursday, February 23, 2012

Incursions and Minecrafting

It has been a little while since the last update, so since the real life workload has finally lifted I thought it would be a good time for a little update on what we've been doing.


For anyone who's been paying attention to EVE matters, there's been a growing demand that the income of Incursions be nerfed as to many people the risk vs. reward ratio of the 10man Incursions called Vanguards was screwed up, and people were able to amass large amounts of ISK in relatively short time.

This caught our attention and we decided in the interest of science to go and check out this so-called ISK heaven. And my did the lord shine upon us!

A few of us have so far tried them out, and it appears the rumours are true. Incursions does not only pay well, they are also quite fun and interesting to do; with the proper fleet set-ups of course. Our goal and hope is that we can get a full Plantains Incursions fleet up and running, and hopefully be able to replace lvl 4 mission grinding with chill Incursions running instead.

Our ship replacement program has so far been financed by mission running taxes, but if we can switch that over to Incursion running instead, grinding ISK should go from relative tediousness - we do mission in groups usually and joke on mumble meanwhile, but the joy of your corp mates companionship can only do so much to an arguably pretty boring game feature.

Being able to run Incursions together, make lots of money, and then hop into lowsec to have fun while joking and chatting on mumble, is probably closest to the most fun you can have in EVE. And that's where we'd like to go :)


So we're of course still playing this lovely game, but unfortunately our old server got wiped while the host tried to resolve some lag issues. So we started over and have been doing quite well so far. We've managed to lure even more corp m8s to come play with us, so we're almost at server limit now. 

Anyway, have some screenshots of some of the things we're built so far.

Sudds underwater cottage

Tk's lovely house

Draco's Boat
Pandi's Parthenon

We live quite a way apart, primarily to make sure we all have enough room to expand and be creative, but since our infrastructure of minecart rails is not yet completely set up; it does take a long time to get to each other. So the above were just the things closest to my continent.

Will write down a proper post about what we've been up to pvp wise soon.


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